These pubs have been a major part of the social life of the communities of North Woolwich and Silvertown, Royal Docks, E16, giving respite, drink and entertainment for locals, dock visitors and Ferry Festival Pram Racers (1970s-1980s).
Many pubs have changed names, hands and looks. These photos provide a brief snapshot into the life and times of the Royal British Legion
These pubs have been a major part of the social life of the communities of North Woolwich and Silvertown, Royal Docks, E16, giving respite, drink and entertainment for locals, dock visitors and Ferry Festival Pram Racers (1970s-1980s).
Do you have any images of the British Legion that you can share with us? We would be happy to put them on this page.
If we’ve missed anything on this trail, please let us know. Help this grow!
This page is part of Lost Pubs Treasure Trail